There's also teacher's outfit too, but only for the girls. AAUnlimited This program unlocks the true potential of AA2. (obviously you wanted a female teacher instead of male, right?)ġ3. STEAM GROUP Artificial Academy 2 Saiyan Life. ARTIFICIAL ACADEMY PERSONALITIES MODĪdding Subtitle Overlay for a Personality Mod Can anyone help me add subtitle to the Subtitle Overlay for a personality mod -All Discussions. AA2 have (somewhat) different time period unlike AA1. You will have Morning -> Lunch break -> Sports -> Club activities (You go home after this one).ġ3 is enough, overall AA2 is definitely have more to give than AA1 with so much improvements, or rather 'too much' might be the right word. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but as a AA1 player I feel like I need to learn this game from 0 again (Many new features and changes here and there). If you never tried AA1 before, there's no need for you to play AA1 before AA2 (since they're basically the same and AA2 might be easier for new players).